MEDAL STANDING: Our scoring system is based upon an adjudicated system. Each entry will be individually scored by 3 Judges. For each Adjudicating Judge, the maximum number of points is 100 points in each of the following… Technique & Performance. Medal standing will be determined through the combined scores of all 3 Judges.
High Silver: Total combined score of 261 – 270
Gold: Total combined score of 271 - 280
High Gold: Total combined score of 281 - 290
Absolute: Total combined score of 291 – 300
HIGH SCORE AWARD: Will be awarded in each…Level/Age/Subject/Category. (A minimum of 4 routines entered to qualify).
OVERALL POINT AWARD: Deciding factors determined through total of combined scores in Technique, Performance, Choreography & Costume. (Maximum number of points is 100 in each). An Overall Certificate will be awarded along with an Invitation to compete in our National Championship “DANCE ON”. Categories with 5 or more entries entered will also receive monetary cash, $$ monetary value only and to be applied to National Championship Fees (in same year as qualified).
SOLO: $50.00 DUO/TRIOS: $75.00 GROUPS: $100.00
Categories with less than 5 entries entered will receive Invitation only, with no monetary cash value. In the event of a “Tie”, the highest point in “Performance” will determine the final decision. Judges will decide the tiebreaker with no dispute.
SPECIAL AWARDS: Routines are chosen and given special recognition for various reasons.
JUDGE’S CHOICE AWARD: With no reference to score, based solely on the Judge’s decision, announcing their reason/reasons for choice at presentation.
STUDENT CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD: Determined through highest point in “Choreography”, for all routines entered under “Student Choreographer”.
STUDIO AWARD: Studio must have a minimum of 10 entries entered in the Performing Arts, with Solo entries not to exceed 25% of total entries entered to qualify. The qualified studio with the highest average score from all routines entered (Title entries are excluded) will receive a Certificate of Award and a monetary cash value of $100.00, valid and honored only at our National Championship in same year as qualified.