Originally created when Dance Ovations was established in 1993...
We introduced "FOREVER FRIENDS" on our very first Awards Presentation! The response was so overwhelming and welcoming, we have and will proudly continue to do this at every Dance Ovations Awards Presentation!
Once all dancers are sitting on the stage for the Awards, a dancer from each different studio is randomly chosen to come up and make a friend with a dancer from a different studio of their own. Each dancer will then introduce themselves and the name of their studio. To start the "bonding" of this "friendship", they will shake hands with one another. Asked if they would like to become "FOREVER FRIENDS", now with the encouragement of everyone in the auditorium... they will then hug, sealing their "friendship" forever!
I receive so many phone calls and emails from dancers and parents, thanking me for the experience of making a "FOREVER FRIEND" at Dance Ovations. The beautiful email I received of when a dancer had gone to her first audition and as she was standing in the audition line with hundreds of other dancers, she recognized her "FOREVER FRIEND". The picture they sent to me of them smiling and "hugging", some 10 years later from their first hug on the stage at Dance Ovations,... it was truly priceless! Or the email I received that said, my college roommate and I made "FOREVER FRIENDS" on your stage when we were 12 years old! The numerous emails I receive from parents, thanking me for witnessing something so meaningful and heartwarming as the making of "FOREVER FRIENDS"!